How To Design A Courier Delivery Website With Tracking Code, Live Chat Support & Shipment Update Using WordPress

Daniel Savvy

March 09, 2023

 Greetings and you’re welcome to this course on How To Design A Courier Delivery Website With Tracking Code, Live Chat Support, Live Map & Shipment Update Using WordPress. All you’re going to need to get through with me on this is a laptop, active internet access, domain and a server. In this course I made use of Namecheap hosting company which I will walk you through on how to purchase a domain and a server that’s if you’re a newbie but if you make use of other hosting company, that’s fine as it’s going to work perfectly well.

 However, if you’re interested in proceeding with this course, we encourage that you make use of the Namecheap referral link below after you’ve purchased the script to have a good discount on any purchase of domain or hosting you make. Please do subscribe to our Youtube channel, turn on notification and share this course. May you remain blessed as you do so, thank you.

DISCLAIMER: This video is strictly for Educational Purpose Only, for those who needs this for their project or legitimate use. Will not be responsible for any abuse or wrong usage of this script as it’s a project to assist students in building web applications of this nature.

NOTE: This is a one-time payment which you will have access to the files for life. Do keep it save and like an asset as you can always make use and reuse it at your own pace. Furthermore, if you don’t have the time and need us to design this, do well to contact us. Please if you encounter any problem, need to negotiate or seek for clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out to us through the live chat support.

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